I've been building my own businesses (SaaS Tech, Business Finance, Media, Consulting, Hospitality), leading large corporate divisions (British Airways, British Airways Cargo & IBM) and advising entrepreneurs on growing theirs for almost 40 years.
Over that time, I've had many successes and a few failures.
So I understand the joy and pain of life as an entrepreneur.
I've also spent a lifetime in sport both competing and coaching.
I trained and practiced in Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP so I understand
how much untapped potential we all have.
This broad ranging experience allows me to easily switch between
coaching, mentoring and consulting to help my clients achieve their ambitions.
I love helping entrepreneurs impact the world.
Over the last few decades I've built 6 businesses from scratch - sold 4 of them (making healthy returns in the process), closed one and experienced the pain of a significant business loss with the other.
I've taken CEO responsibility for building and developing 3 organisations, helping to sell 2 of them on to large multinationals (one of which sold for $600+ Million), turning around the other and protecting it from sell off whilst avoiding the loss of hundreds of jobs.
I've sold multi-million pound technology systems to blue-chip companies. I led a transformational change project for a 10,000 strong operation.
But I've never forgotten my entrepreneurial roots so when the world closed down during Covid I tried to capture as many of the business lessons I learned over the years in my book "Transformation from Chaos".
More than ever I believe we need successful entrepreneurs to lead change in the world.
The last few years have shown us we can't leave it to politicians, scientists, educators or big business it's up to us!